Saturday, January 29, 2005

False Alarm

Ok, I must have been drunk or stoned or both, because Numb3rs is NOT a great show, and the football games we watched were pretty much blow outs, not very interesting at all. So I admit to being an idiot mezmerized by his own stupidity.

I did see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and loved it. I don't care if the movie isn't deserving, I loved it, the directing, the acting, the special effects were perfect considering this is not an effects movie in any way. I don't want to give away anything to those who haven't seen it, but I didn't enjoy the film for its love story, I saw through that to the deeper themes of traumatic memories. It's a tradegy, so I imagine many people won't like it, or will like it but not give it too much thought. I doubt the Oscars will give it too much focus. My negative mind clung to the film for a week.


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