Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Impromptu Web Film Festival

-Strong Bad RULES
-Remember that old cartoon, GI JOE? Not like this, you don't
-Everybody was kung fu fighting
-Now I understand why I hated Dungeons & Dragons
-Angry White Boy Polka
-We like the sub-err,moon

Fantasy always comes in a trilogy

---a phone that transports you to places far away
---sixties line art will never die
---JR Rowling's website is actually pretty cool

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Break Dancers Perform for the Pope

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Drunken Texan Goes on Wild Rampage

You know, when you read "19 cars" it just doesn't seem like a whole lot. Sometimes, you just have to see it for yourself. I hope this guy qualifies for the Darwin awards.

UPDATE: The site is down for now, I'll see about hosting it on my website.... more later.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Is Michael Moore the Rush Limbaugh of the Left?

No intention of seeing Fairenheit 9/11. None. It's not that I don't want to hear what Moore has to say, I just don't build my opinions on a foundation of sand. That Moore bungles facts or plain makes them up has been said so many times that it renders moot whatever point he tries to make. Even his fans admit that his films sidestep the truth, albiet to serve a greater cause. But I prefer a good argument to simply hearing what I already agree with.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Presidential Biographies

Just started reading Ulysses Grant's Personal Memiors, probably the best presidential autobiography ever written and a great piece of american literature regardless. If Grant truly was a drunk, you couldn't tell it from his clear, elegant writing style. I am fascinated by the times in which Grant lived - the Spanish-American war, the Civil War, pre & post war Western expansion, plus one of the most corrupt administrations in US history. I can't wait until Abe Lincoln makes his entrance. And you can read it on the web for free!

What got me thinking about that book is the media fury around Bill Clinton's new book. I love it when the Left eat their own young. I wonder how many people buy it solely to find out what he says about Monica Lewinsky? I'm guess it's at least half, the same as for Hilary's book.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Stalin's Кино смерти

Interesting article about one of my favorite directors, Sergei Eisenstein, and his boss.


My first entry, the alpha, may it not be the omega.

My name is Chris Peters, and as of this post I live in Austin, Texas, a city of culture and politics as grand as Texas. I work on the Pro Video team at Apple computer, and hope to add some how-to's about Final Cut and OS X later. I am single and live with my tiny dog, Little One, in a beautiful apartment overlooking a large ranch and huge patches of ground cactus, species unknown. (actually, I move in next month, but my heart lives there. Currently I live in a building with ancient wrought-iron railings that could only be described as "Melrose Place"). No great lover in my life at the moment, nor am I winning the smiles of a specific lady right now, but these things change suddenly. I probably won't be discussing love in this blog.

I have a number of creative projects brewing at the moment. Stay tuned...