Wednesday, August 04, 2004

You die, Big Media! You die and go to hell!

Ah, my favorite subject: the dying, stubborn gasps of old media as it chews off it's own head (while mutating a few new ones). It seems that tv ad agencies have rediscovered that men spend money, and that young men no longer watch tv. What?!? No more audience?!? Coke made the obvious conclusion and cut it's tv ad budget 10%, the first blow in what is sure to be a serious decline in broadcast television.

Which leads to Ted Turner's shout out against Big Media. Very well written and intelligent, check it out. Turner explains a lot of the reasons why all the shows on TV feel like the same, recycled shit, even the news. Of course, good ol' Ted isn't telling half the story here, he really didn't re-invent the system, just wanted to be a part of it. Still, it's a good read if not to remind us how little guys with new ideas have a hard enough time already without The Man trying to bury you.


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