Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Hilarious Links of the Moment

Gotta love Blue's News if you wanna find quirky, funny links you'd never find otherwise. Fark is another good place that specializes in links, but it's a bit trailer-park.

National Lampoon's Safe Toy Shopping Guide is only for people with a sense of humor. They will warn you away from toys like "Anatomically Correct SpongeBob Squarepants" and "The Care Bears Iron Smelting Furnace." Great quotes include: "The Jedi Choke device may cause choking." and "The only way we were able to score points (with the Harry Potter Quidditch Set) was by aiming the catapult at the goal and firing the children through the hoop with a ball taped to their chests."

Jump the Shark is a website that tracks when TV Shows have "jumped the shark," or reached that high point when it will never get better, only get worse. For example, for Friends the most popular moment was when Rachel sleeps with whats-his-face, for NYPD Blue its when whats-his-face dies, and for ER it's when whats-his-face left (I really know my TV, can't ya tell?)

It's official: Mars once had water. "Definitely. Probably." The link itself isn't funny, it's just the scientific buracracy that took so long to verify the obvious. The funniest thing is that this article came from College Station. Go Aggies!

Not funny, but I'm a Matrix freak and wanted to keep this link: Mother of the Matrix Victorious. Looks like the movie ripped off someone else's work.


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