Saturday, March 05, 2005

Just what is a "friend"?

I've had an incredibly rich social life lately. I've filled my time with friends from every corner, of every type and temperment. I've had my stoner friends, gamers, geeks, jocks, party animals, intellectuals, the movers-n-shakers, gay men and lesbians, alcoholics, and plenty of women. I'm doing exactly what I want to do, most of the time. Something is missing.

I have this tremendous desire to "connect", to talk to someone on a deeper level than chit chat and small talk. I was out the other night with an old friend, and it didn't fill my cup. Just how much can you say to someone? We've joked with each other, argued, fought, debated, laughed, schemed, and played. Yet at some level he is still a mystery to me, and I am still unknown to him. On some level I feel closer to a great film than I do my closest friends.

Why? WHY?!? That rings in my head with each and every thing I do. What's the purpose of this all, what's the point, what's the plan? I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.


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