It's all a shell game.
The integrity of Fahrenheit 9/11 is being questioned moore and moore by professional publications, leftist stalwarts such as
Time Magazine and
most damning is the Washington Post column by far-left liberal Richard Cohen. Of course Fox News made
some attacks on the film, too, but we expected that, didn't we? To his credit, Moore did post a
very detailed listing of all his references for the film, the
"War room" but this is hardly convincing. A careful reading of these sources is probably better than watching the film itself, because you can absorb the facts without the rollercoaster of Moore's cuts and comments. Half of his resources are conspiracy theory books or people like Arther Clarke, hardly a solid foundation for Moore's ideas. I mean, come on, most Americans
already know how easily people can manipulate video and skew things to their political view. Why give Moore a free pass just because you don't like Bush?
I love talking to people who really liked Fahrenheit, who
got Moore's message, because they can't really tell you what that message was. Time compared this movie to
The Passion of the Christ because both movies are preaching to the choir; neither are going to convice anyone skeptical of their view, instead they present an emotional re-enforcement to an established base. Moore doesn't bother to present an argument with any kind of logical coherent backbone, he just throws things buckshot at the audience and lets the outrage ellipse the rationality. Typical media overcompensation for a lack of real comprehension, when you have no idea what you are talking about, accuse the government of absolutely
everything and when you get something right you look like a genius!
My favorite deconstruction of Moore's assertions is from the great website, which goes into
great detail in explaining the whole Saudis-leaving-in-secrecy thing that opens the trailer. It gives the correct amount of attention this complicated subject deserves. The political parties might have you think it's left vs. right,
In the end, my frustration isn't about Michael Moore at all, but how the media so easily manipulates its audience.
Of course its about money, duh! Do you think Kerry and Edwards, a billionare and a claims lawyer, are going to be any different? My father is a doctor and he is going to be screwed by either ticket. In researching the facts about Bush, you'll find he has shared appointments on corporate boards with with his so-called enemies from the Democratic party. The Carlyle Group which Moore investigates so vigorously being a prime example since it was in fact co-founded by David Rubenstein, a domestic policy advisor to Jimmy Carter, and Bush served with many Clinton-era democrats. It's a lonely at the top, and the leaders of the world all know each other and protect each other. All Moore is doing is helping one group of rich people attack another group. I
know the rich aren't looking out for my interests, put its the press, that great Hearstian institution that claims to be a servant of the people, that's what really scares me.
But I must admit, I wanted to see the film just from the clips in
the trailer. Bush's comments on the golf course is priceless.